On Tuesday my teacher said"we are going to have ice cream after morning tea.As we went in class their was cookies,ice cream,chocolate sprinkles and colorful sprinkles and some cones.
we were marking Saturn it is a planet up in space it is the closest on to earth .
As we went in side the class room My teacher told us we have to set down in a circle because we were going to mack Saturn out of cookies,ice cream,chocolate sprinkles and colorful sprinkles.
We sat down and we took turns and smashing the cookies down with the 10000 blocks with chocolate sprinkles and the colorful sprinkles in it.
Next My teacher got the ice cream and the spoon to scoop the ice cream with and we had to give the sprinkles mixed with cookies to my teacher she told us that we had she had to scoop the ice cream and we had to scoop the ice cream out of the spoon and put it in our hand .
But I said to my Friends it might be so cold and my hand will get numbed and i will not be able to fill my hands .
So as I was waiting for my turn I was approaching the sprinkles because I wanted to eat it all but I said wait in tell its my turn.
Soon later it was my turn i felt happy but I thinked that my hand will get numbed and i will not be able to fill my hands .As i went to have my turn I scooped the ice cream then I went to run to the sprinkles and when i got to the sprinkles my hand was numbed.
The Ice cream was melting when i put it on the cone and my hand was sticky and messy because their was heps of ice cream on my hand and sprinkles on my hand so I was eating my hand and eating my ice cream it was the yummiest ice cream i ever tasted in my life.
I went out side with my friends and my class room they said"Yummy Yummy Yummy!.Later later it was time for lunch and we ate all out ice cream all it tasted Yummy as a Yummy chocolate I eat some times .We smashed the cookies with the 10000 block it was the hardest block I felt and it hunted it felt like some one was pinching you for real but it was a block not a person pinching you.
My best part was when i was smashing the cookies with the 10000 block I was smashing it hard as I can and my other friend was smashing it not so hard like I did.
It was the best part i have done and my other best part was when I had to scoop the ice cream out of the spoon and dunking it in to the sprinkles and putting it in the cone that was my last part in my writing .