
Friday, March 9, 2012

Sarona blind fold

On Monday room 15 walked to the hall to play a game called obstacle course. We got to the hall and sat down to listen to Mr Marks instruction. While Mr Marks was sharing his instruction I was looking at the stuff in the hall and I said’ what is that for.

Next Mr Marks told the boys and girls to find a partner and my partner was sisilia when I found a partner we had to go line up in a line I went all the way at the back because I was scared that I might fall off but it looked really fun so I said” I will not be scared .
We were excited to start the game so we said ‘ let’s just start the game so we started the game and I was waiting for long but not that long me and my partner sisilia was talking to me and she was excited to play the  game she was punching my head and she was hitting me because it was my turn .

Then it was time for my turn then we started I was so scared that I told sisilia to hold my hand and she said’ don’t be scared then she hold my hand and I she was tacking me to the steps when I was up on the steps I fell then i got back up and I was walking to the stage then i was all ready up on the stage .

Later we were up on the stage and sisilia said’ i am going to push you off OK then she pushed me off and I nearly fell off the blue jumping thing .

Later on it was my partners turn she got blind folded and she said ‘ do not make me fall off before I will push you then I said’ OK!! she went fast as so she nearly fell on the ground so she was laughing and I was laughing to and then I was all the way to the steps then she fell down on the steps and she got back up and she was on the stage getting ready to go jump off .

After I pushed her down and she was nearly crying then I said ‘ sorry are you OK and she said’ I was scared and you made me cry and she was laughing hard out .

Later we had to go back to class because their were other class rooms coming to play and room 16 was coming to play the game we played in the hall it was cool .As we walked back to room 15 Miss Muliaumasalii said we had to talk to our partner and talk about your best part and my best part was jumping off the stage.


  1. Hi Sarona, it sounds like you are having a lot of fun at school and that makes me feel happy. I think being blindfolded would be scary and I can just imagine Sisilia pulling on your jersey telling you to hurry up, that sounds just like her!

    From Ms Mackinlay and Poppy :)

    1. Hi this is wakatere. It looks like you had fun. I like your story that you did. bye bye for now.

    2. Hi Sarona,

      WOW! I like your writing it is very interesting. Maybe next time try to use spaces after fullstops and, not before fullstops.


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