
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Highlights of my Reading, Writing and Maths

My Reading

What my highlights on reading is when I read true stories and I like when I read with my friends because we read and we are quiet but when i am when other people they are really loud. That is why I like to red and it gives me an opportunity to explore the world.

My maths

What my highlight is on maths is when I go on math whizz and xtramaths I learn all sorts of stuff and I can solve problems really fast and it is really cool solving it fast.

My writing

What my highlight on writing is when I write about anything I can and I really like writing really fast because it is really cool. I really like writing about myself and also about my whanau.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Net Book Reflection 2013

       Net Book Reflection
On my Netbook I learn lots of maths. What I do on my Netbook is I go on Math Whizz and Xtramaths so I can learn more. When I need help on solving problems I go on My tracking success. Having a Netbook connected to the internet helps with my learning so much thats why I get some answers right because we are learning more on the internet. When I have something to solve I go on to tracking my success and I grab my buddy and we solve the problem together on our Netbooks thats why I like my Netbook.

      Online writing
   I do online writing. What we do is we write about anything we want to write about. I write about myself and also about my family also I write about my friends and all sorts of stuff.

                Online Maths
Online my learning on math whizz and xtramaths is more faster and easier than before. I now get Fractions and decimals a lot better than before.

Action World

                       Action world

My Best Highlight at Action World is when i went on trapeze it was so fun but first i was really scared. The rock climbing was really fun.

   Pictures of action world

 My writing about action world
Also i went on the slide it was so high i got so scared so i just closed my eyes and feel.  

After I went on the crazy ladder it was really wiggly i feel off it. Then everyone had a turn after me.

Later on I went on the Taupo I jumped and fell on the bouncy soft cushion. After that we went for lunch and we could have free time it was cool because we all can go on any activity we wanted. Then we  Went to pack up our stuff and go on the bus for school. It was taking a long time to go back school so i went to sleep. As we got to school we had get out the bus and put our bags in our classes and I had lunch with my other friends.

Me and Raeleen went on to Taupo i pushed raeleen then she fell down it was really fun.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Action World

My best highlight at action world was Henderson, Slide And trapeze. It was really fun and it was some times scary. First I went on the ladder then I went to the slide.