
Friday, May 16, 2014

Sarona and Chloe Funnel experience

Science experiment:

Question: What will happen to the sound if I change the shape of a piece of paper? (e.g. from a flat shape to a funnel shape)

Links to research about Sound:

Hypothesis: (What do you think will happen?) e.g. I think that….
It might echo.
Materials needed:
Paper, Tape and Tissue
Experiment (procedure):
e.g. Step 1 -
First hold a flat piece of paper against you're ear.
Step 2 -
Let you're partner speak into it.
Step 3 -
Fold you're piece of paper like a cone.
Step 4 -
Then put your  tissue in and see what it would sound like.
Step 5 -
Then test everyone in you're classroom to see what they would sound like too.

Data (What happened?)

flat piece of paper
Clearer? Didn't make any difference.
funnel facing to the front
It sound the same.
funnel facing to the side
It was defferent than before. It was louder than before.
cotton ball blocking funnel
It sounded different because it sounded like there was a little baby speaking to me when they were speaking. It also sounds blurry.
rolled up piece of paper (facing to the front)
Well it doesn't make a difference when my friend talk’s it sound’s the same. It also vibrates into  your my ear.
rolled up piece of paper (facing to the side)
Well it doesn't make a difference when my friend talk’s it sound’s the same. It also vibrates into  your my ear.

Flat Piece of paper did not make any difference. Funnel facing to the front sound the same.Funnel facing to the side was defferent than before. it was louder than before. Cotton ball funnel sounded defferent because it sounded like there was a little baby speaking to me when they they were talking in it. Rolled up piece of paper doesn't make a difference when my friend talk’s it sound’s the same. It also vibrates into  your my ear.

My hypothesis was wrong because it did echo and it did make the right sounds we wanted to hear. When your partner talks to you through it would sound louder and you would hear them clearly.



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